2 Pham Pho: Role of professional training in education strategy
3 Nguyen Van Hanh, Nguyen duc Quy: Guideline on development of Vietnam rare earth industry
9 Nguyen Phung Cau, Nguyen Khac Cuong, Nguyen Anh Son, Nguyen Van Tu: Fabrication of corrosion resistant austenite stainless steels working in acide medium
12 Nguyen Son Lam, Bui Anh Hoa, Tran Anh Tu: Study on production of stainless steel for medical tools
16 Nguyen duc Khien: Production line for spheroidal cast iron pipes using centrofigure continous casting in metallic die with water cooling
19 Pham Ba Kien, Nguyen Minh Dat: Improved processing of fero – rare – earth alloys containing medium content of Mg with and without Ti.
21 Nguyen Dinh Due: Advanced technologies applied in processing and smelting of primary tin ore in Quy Hop region
25 Nguyen Van Ban: Fabrication of TiO2 powder
36 Resolutions of the 4th meeting of VFMA Central Committee
37 Report of 4th meeting of VFMA Central Committee
39 Meeting between FMA and Thai Nguyen Iron and Steel Corporation (TISCO)
40 Cooperation of VFMA with Hanoi University of Technology
40 When iron and cast iron have been produced
41 Metals and human health
42 Gia Ngoc: The foundryman of the biggest bell of SEA