Issue 31


2 Công văn gửi Văn phòng Thủ tướng về phát triển công nghiệp đúc Việt Nam

3 Pham Chi Cuong: Investment state in Vietnam steel industry for year 2010 and request of VSA


6 Phung Viet Ngu: Workshop on “Mineral resources and stable development of Vietnam”

7 Exploitation reality of mineral resources in Vietnam

17 Nguyen Khac Vinh: Vietnam mineral resources in context of global situation and the modified Law of minerals


21 News of metallurgical industry

Advanced technology, equipment and materials

30 Nguyen Van Chien, Pham Ba Kiem, Hoang Van Quan: Some attentions while producing low-carbon ferrochromes

35 Phung Viet Ngu: Enriching poer metallic ores by metallurgical process combined with mineral processing


38 Le Hong Son, Nguyen Van Chien, Le Gia Mo: Production of NiSO4 from nickelrich ores of Co Dinh chromite Environment

45 Nghiem Gia, Vu Truong Xuan, Nguyen Duc Vinh Nam: Management and treatment of water waste in metallurgy

48 My Loan: Bauxite mining and its consequences in China Metals and life

50 PVN: Invendion of the super heavy element No117, Ion lithium cell of high capacity, Harmful effect of arsenic